I'm here to turn your next getaway into the experience of a lifetime. 

Do you ever get back from your travels feeling so exhausted that you can't help but think: I need another vacation?

Does trying to decide which flights, hotels, and restaurants to book make you wish you could skip to the good part?

Do you find yourself spending your vacation trying to make everyone else happy, and end up forgetting about yourself?

As a frequent world traveler, busy attorney, wife, and mom of three, I know that adding "plan a vacation" to your already overflowing plate can quickly become overwhelming. That's why I'm so glad you're here.

Because the things that make traveling stressful for you are the things that light me up. From researching the best hotels in your budget to planning the details of your days, there’s nothing I love more than curating once-in-a-lifetime experiences that take your breath away.

When you feel like you need a vacation from planning your vacation, I’m here to make every trip one for the memory books. 

I'm Kyrie, but i also go by:

Super-planner, Type A overachiever, frequent flyer, wife, & mom of 2

meet the founder

kyrie HAYDEN

I’m here to get you from “I need a vacation” to relaxing on a beach, margarita in hand.

As the founder & owner of KRH travel, my luxury travel concierge services help you have it all without having to do it all. 

But whether you have an upcoming trip you need help planning or you just know you want to go somewhere, I’m not just here to book your flights and send you on your way. I’m here to get to know you.

Because I know that planning the vacation of your dreams starts with you. I’m here to learn who you are — what lights you up and fills your cup — so I can plan a trip that you’ll remember as one of the best experiences of your life.

It all started when I was pregnant with my daughter on my babymoon.

I’d hired a travel agent to plan my trip to Cabo. I was a working mom with a second baby on the way, and with no time to plan my dream babymoon.

For once, I was relieved to let someone else do the planning for me. But after a few not-so-great surprises, some missed communications, and one particular night at a restaurant full of mosquitos, I couldn’t help but think to myself: I could have planned this better myself.

And it was true. At the time, I’d been practicing law for 7 years, but I’d been planning travel my whole life. Over the years, I became the go-to trip planner for large family gatherings, romantic getaways with my husband, and once-in-a-lifetime group excursions. Even when I wasn’t traveling, I was researching places to go in my spare time.

So this lifelong, Type A planner decided to take a leap. For once, I did something I’d never planned. I started my own travel concierge business, and turned my passion into my career.

How'd I get here?

I'm All About

Experiences before destinations

I take time to listen to what you’re really looking for in a trip — what you like, and what you don’t like — and advise you on the best destination for the experience you’re looking for.

Making planning fun, too

Planning doesn’t have to be stressful — especially when I’m in charge! I like to make the planning process an exciting part of the journey. We’re planning your dream vacay — and we’re going to have fun doing it.

Communication, a.k.a. reminders galore

I over-communicate so you never have to think “What’s the plan again?” or wonder what happened to your flight confirmation. As your trip date nears, expect me to send reminders, follow up, and keep in touch!


My favorite destinations


Also my last vacation before becoming a mom!


A snorkeling trip in the Galapagos. I’ll never forget the baby sea lions blowing bubbles in my face! I’m wowed places like that exist.

A helicopter ride over the glaciers in New Zealand. The best trips for me are always when I feel fully immersed in nature. 


Give me a beach and a marg and I'm happy!


Ireland, because the people were so warm and inviting that it reminded me of my hometown in Texas.

Charleson, SC. My husband and I go every year for our anniversary. sometimes the perfect trip is right around the corner.


Can I retire here, please?

Turks and Caicos. I went the day after taking the bar Exam, and it’s still one of my favorite beach destinations in the world! 

I'm traveling through life with...

Meet my people

01. Patrick Ganze (aka Ganze)

Best at: being the Phil to my Claire (Modern Family, anybody?), putting up with me when I’m high-strung, cooking amazing food, and making me laugh every day! 

 the husband


02. Harrison Dean (aka Dean)

Best at: playing with cars, trucks, and anything red! Dean is bursting with personality and is the strongest little man I know. He was diagnosed with leukemia, and has been such a trooper through treatment.

 the son

03. Adeline Elise

Best at: giving me a heart attack! Adeline is a total fireball. Where Dean is more cautious, she is always trying to jump off things and explore. A future adventurer, for sure!

 the daughter


Adventure is calling &

wanderlust is waiting.

They say a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
But I say, if you do it right, one step is all you need. Take the easy route with a free discovery call, and I'll take care of the rest.